Friday, August 8, 2014

Last Final writing

Flor McDaniel
Professor Kamari
English 1010
August 6, 2014

The Benefits of using a GPS

In 1976 my parents wished they could have had a Navigation device or (GPS). I was 5 years old and I got lost for a day. I was playing outside in front of my house when I saw the ice cream man. I started to follow him for hours until the man got tired of me and decided to give me away with a family that was driving by. The ice cream man said this girl has been following me and I do not know what to do with her. The family picked me up and took me to jail. My father called the police to report my disappearance. The police told my father that they had a girl with the description he had given. My father went to pick me up quickly and I remember that he was crying for me. He said to my mother that they were lucky to find me. Now I am a mother of five kids and it scares me just thinking about losing one of them.
Now in this era we have the opportunity to use the tracking system or GPS to find people. What does a GPS do? A Global Positioning System (GPS) is a universal radio-navigator system. It is used to locate or trace cars, people or other assets to which it is attached to. These systems were actually designed for the US. Military but today its part of everyday life. GPS’s are generally used to navigate, whether by land, sea or air. The technology helps to provide the exact information such as date, location, time and speed. All the information is stored on the GPS system tracking device and is transmitted over a wireless network. GPS tracking devices have been very useful for many situations. For example, they can collect data from different research and help to determining the position of a person or object. GPS devices can provide security to parents to inform the place where your children are at all times. Another way to use the GPS devices is to find a lost pet or to track a stolen vehicle (Beragna). The GPS offers a great potential progress in research of health and brings a new objective method of monitoring our community.
GPS device are used more often with police and emergency calls. This technology helps them to monitor the activities of criminals and to have evidence to arrest them. According to The New York Times there was a case where a GPS devices was placed in a decoy pill bottle. The police officers wanted to track an armed man recognized by the name Scott Kato 45, that has been stealing painkillers from the Healthsource drug stores in New York a least four times since 2011. Records showed this man was in prison in 1990 for 12 years for sexual abuse and robbery and additional 16 months for violating parole twice. The GPS device was installed on the decoy bottle and it did not contain pills. The bottle was located in a special shelf and when the bottle was lifted, it began to emit a tracking signal. With GPS devices the police officers were able to track that armed man and fatally shot him during the confrontation. The New York police state that, this is the first time known case where a GPS used in a decoy bottle helped the police to identify the armed man from the robbery. The New York police department was not the first one to use this program. The decoy bottles were introduced last year by the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, who said that the department would begin to stock pharmacy shelves with decoy bottles that contained GPS devices. A total of 33 states are using the GPS in decoy bottles, and they have arrested thieves in multiples pharmacy across the country. (Goldstein & Schwirtz).
According to Stenquis Paul, “A virtual alternative to the hot pursuit. Star Chase’s innovation is a GPS launcher — a unit that law-enforcement agencies can use to attach a tracking device to a suspected lawbreaker’s vehicle without officers’ having to leave their patrol cars. A vehicle fleeing from the police can then be followed on a computer screen, rather than in a high-speed pursuit, while an interception that does not put others in danger is planned”. New York Time. December 20 2013. Web July 30 2014.
BMC Public Health in Netherlands used a GPS to study physical activity in children. The methods they used is a GPS tracking device that is used to calculate the distance children travel from their home to school. All measurements were collected between December 2008 and April 2009. Seventy-nine children, between ages six and eleven, were recruited from five different schools located in Netherlands. All children wore a GPS while walking and cycling to school for a period of a week. The GPS was designed so they could be used without interfering with their activities. The GPS’s monitored that 79.2% out of all school trips were classified as active transportation. Based on the GPS data the researchers are able to determine and calculate the distance the children travel from school to their home. Also how physically active the children are. The results of these studies are, helping improve the cardiovascular risk, bone mineral density and psychological life of the children (Dessing et. a)
The Biologists using the GPS devices are using it to document unique animals like wolf packs or bighorn sheep. The biologist are using GPS tracking collars, it helps them monitor the movements and habits of animals during the year. Particularly in bighorn sheep when they live in the harshest of winter conditions.
GPS device also help parents making their parenting a little easier. For example, when teens have to go to a party and they have to drive for the first time with friends. Parents can monitor where their children are, since it’s very usual for teens to not go where they say are going. The GPS device give the location address when they arrive and when they depart.  The GPS also helps parents monitor their children while driving, how? By monitoring their speed.  This benefits the parents financially. The new car insurance premiums reduce their prices if the car has GPS tracking device to monitor their teens. The number one cause of teens killed is related to traffic accidents, and one of the main reasons is that they drive with extreme speed.
Families that have relatives with disabilities like Autism are using GPS devices. For example months ago I heard on the news about this old man that suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. He got lost, he left his house without anybody noticing. It was not the first time this happened. His kids decide to put him the tracking devices on him because he was always getting lost. For his kids it was very easy to find him this time but they worry this device cannot save his life.
According to the web site Personal Tracking System. GPS device have been useful to people that like to ski. For example, they are using gloves that have a tracking system to help them keep track of their speeds when they travel in the mountains. They said it helps them to improve their speed.  However, there is no information provided about helping the skier to be found if he gets lost in an avalanche.( GPS personal device).
The New York Times published that a tracking device can be fitted in a child’s backpack or a ball cap. Jennifer Durst, and two partners have patented a light-weight seven ounces, portable GPS designed to be “form-fitted into a backpack, a baseball hat or a belt”. The purpose is to track animals or people. The GPS devices can be programmed with boundaries. GPS’s send messages directly to a cellphone, pager, two-way personal assistant, traditional phone or even an e-email address.  If for some reason the GPS tracking devices is removed or lost, an alert is transmitted. The idea to apply the GPS in the children actually started with Jennifer’s dog. When her dog was lost in the rain. She was a single mom and she couldn’t leave her kids alone in the house. She remembered the Lojack device used in cars and thought why not use it on dogs. If this technology was available a century ago it could have helped many children who were lost in crowded amusement parks, beaches, and in shopping malls.  Also could have helped Alzheimer patients who wandered off, hikers who disappeared, and soldiers who were missing in action. (Chartrand)
In conclusion, having a GPS in 1976 could have helped my parents find me when I was lost. Now the police officers that use GPS can be more affective to track criminals. For example, the case that was publish in New York Time were a GPS devices was placed in a decoy pill bottle. The researchers that use the GPS have accurate results about their studies. The biologist use GPS and are able to help and protect wild animals. Parents also have great benefits when their kids use the GPS. Its helps the parents keep track of them, also parents are saving money in car insurance with cars that use GPS. Using this technology also allows us to help and protect our kids or senior citizens that have special disabilities. GPS have the capability to find locations, people or vehicles The technology is part of our world right now and the GPS has been used in some many situations for good, and I think these probably will have some negative sides, but when we start learning how to use it will be good for us. I have kids and I will do everything to protect them. My purpose of is information is to inform of all the good benefit the GPS tracking devices can bring to our society.

Work Cited

Beragna, Patrick. “How does a GPS tracking system work?” GPS personal tracking Device.                            October 26 2010. Web June 25, 2014.
Dessing Dirk, De Vries, Sanne, Graham, Jamie MA, Pierik, Frank. “Active transport between home and school assessed with GPS: a cross-sectional study among Dutch elementary school children”. 
BMC Public Health.  March 5 2014. Web July 19, 2014.
 Chartrand, Sabra. “Patents: A tracking device that can be fitted in a child’s backpack or a ball cap “.                                                                                                                                                    August 5 2002. Web July 19, 2014.                                                                                                                                                                            
Goldstein and Schwirtz. “Robbery Suspect Tracked by GPS and Killed”
 New York Time May 16 2014. Web July 30 2014.
“GPS Tracking Enable gloves Do it All” GPS personal device tracking.                                                               Thursday 18, Feb 2010 Web. Jun 25 2014.
Stenquis Paul, “A virtual alternative to the hot pursuit”.

New York Time December 30 2013. Web July 30 2014.

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