Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4rd Journal

Today I am back into my routine while I am thinking about my sister. It was a difficult day. But after I went to school, I felt better. I thought it would be too late to turn in my homework but I realized that I still have time. Today Kamari teach us how to write a summary and how to look in our book to find the work cited according to our research. It was fun to move to different location to continue our class. I felt like our group was very closed and connected.

1 comment:

  1. Flor, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your sister :( I wanted to tell you again I am thinking about you and hope you have been able to successfully place your brother and that you are able to feel good about his circumstances. While you were out of town helping him get settled, we talked about advocating. We discussed the story in our (e)dentity book on page 89 about the homeless homeless advocate. we talked about his decision to stay homeless to advocate and how we felt about that. Our in class writing assignment was to pick something we would advocate for and why. See you next week!
